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Explore a Career in Consumer Insights and Market Research in CPG - Discussion with Michael Kirk, Market Researcher @Procter & Gamble

Ritu Dalmia

Michael Kirk, Marketer Researcher with Procter & Gamble, talks about working in Consumer Insights and Market Research in CPG. Michael has over 6 years of experience working in this space, across globally known brands such as Pantene, Braun, and Fabric Care (eg: Tide, Ariel, etc.).


Check out the podcast below to listen to the complete discussion! 


Some of the areas we touch upon in this episode include:


1. What makes a good consumer insights and illustrative examples
2. The job of someone in Market Research in CPG
3. Example of a typical project and the activities a market researcher would engage in
4. How the success of someone in Market Research is assessed
5. Qualities in someone would enjoy working in this space and the importance of storytelling
6. Interesting and challenging aspects of the job
7. Tips for interested candidates - how to apply, and how to stand out



Thank you for listening!! 


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