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Discussion with Nitin Julka, Group Product Manager @LinkedIn, On How He Got His First PM Job In Just 5 Weeks
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Nitin Julka, Group Product Manager @LinkedIn, describes how he went about getting his first PM job, and was able to get one in just 5 weeks.


Here are some things that Nitin talks about in this episode:

1. How Nitin prioritized getting meetings in the beginning, as opposed to getting a job
2. How Nitin got these meetings - from introductions, to cold mails, to even trying LinkedIn ads!
3. How he chose which companies to apply to
4. What worked for him during the job search process and what didn't
5. Advice for aspiring candidates


Ntin has also written a post on this topic, we encourage you to check it out!

Note: Do you already have interviews lined up? Don't forget to check out our Interview guide for PM interviews in Tech, our Question bank for behavioral questions, and our Question bank for Product Design questions to help you prep for your Product Management interviews!


If you have any feedback to share, or if you have any questions for Nitin, drop us an email at or tweet at us @LED_Curator


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