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How To Organize Events To Build Your Network - A Beginner's Guide, with Simon Kirk, Co-Founder @RaisedBy.Us, Director Business Development @InVisionApp

This is an in-between episode where Simon Kirk, Co-Founder @RaisedBy.Us and Director of Business Development @InVisionApp, draws on his experience of organizing events over the last 10 years, and shares tips and insights on how to organize events to build your network. 


As co-founder of RaisedBy.Us, Simon has closed relationships with some of the leading startups of New York including Foursquare, Blue Apron, Birchbox, Squarespace, and many others.


Check out the podcast below to listen to the complete discussion! 


Some of the areas we touch upon in this episode include:


1. What kind of event to organize depending on the situation - Breakfast, Cocktail Hour/Happy Hour, Dinner
2. Whom to invite
3. How to get people to come when you're still new to the scene and don't know many people
4. How to "socially engineer" an event to make sure people have a good time
5. How a host's priority should be that attendees extract a lot of value from the event
6. Lots of resources and other tips for organizing events


Thank you for listening!! 


If you have any questions for Simon or for us, you can email us at or tweet at us @led_curator or like us on Facebook at

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